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Brooke has spent her thirty+ year career working with words—as an editor, author/writer, and radio/print journalist.

Educated at Antioch College (BA, English lit) and the University of London  (MA, political economy), Brooke has since worked as a magazine editor (Modern Africa magazine), radio journalist (Australian Broadcasting Corp.), copyeditor (Henry Holt, St. Martin’s Press, Rutgers University Press, IPC Media, Rowman & Littlefield), and writer (Ad-Fax Media Marketing, Newark Museum, Coldwell Banker, Drew University).  She has authored several books, including On Top of the Hill, about the Matheny Medical & Educational Center in New Jersey, and Seizing the Stars, a history of Far Hills Country Day School, also in New Jersey. She was a contributing writer and the editor of the two-volume New Jersey Country Houses: The Somerset Hills. See In Print page for a selection of titles Brooke has written and edited.


Born and bred in New Jersey, Brooke lived and worked in England and Australia for more than a decade before returning, with her husband and two children, to New Jersey, where she now resides. A lifelong lover of words and books, her wide experience in many areas of publishing and the written word, her meticulous eye for detail, and her large range of interests equip her to handle just about any editing or writing assignment (including a strong grasp of British/Australian figures of speech and spelling styles).


Brooke has been involved with New Jersey’s largest book festival, the Morristown Festival of Books, since its inception in 2014. She served on its programming committee and is proud to have signed a number of big names for the festival, including Colson Whitehead and Emma Donoghue.  Other extracurricular activities include an association with the Tanzania Children’s Fund/ Rift Valley Children’s Village, where she has volunteered, teaching a writing workshop to middle school students.


When not hunched over the computer, Brooke can be found playing sport (golf and tennis), travelling (Africa remains a favorite), or visiting her children in Brooklyn and Boulder.


You can read more about Brooke’s professional experience on her LinkedIn profile.



Brooke is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association.

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